Monday, April 25, 2011

INTO NQT District 14 Group

This blog was set up as another way to allow NQT's, Temporary and Student teachers to voice their opinion on issues concerning them. The INTO NQT Distrcit 14 group is a recognised sub-committee of the District, with NQT's, Temporary Teachers and Students represented in the group. We work very closely with the officials of District 14 and as a unit raise issues like, pay, pensions, teacher supply, job creation and resource cuts in the classroom.
Also we are live on Facebook, where you can join our page and link with other groups who share our goal for the teaching proffession and NQT's prospects in particular.

Chairperson: Cathal Mc Garrigle
Secretary: Mags Sutton

Blog Admin: TJ Clare
Facebook Admin: Alan Bedford