Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Newly Graduate Meetings

We strongly recommend that NQT's and especially new graduates make every effort to attend the Information Meetings being organised by the INTO, for the beginning of the school year 2011/2012.
These meetings will give new graduates a chance to ask questions, have their queries answered, familiarise themselves with the INTO, and most importantly, provide a platform and introduction for future interests and involvement within the union and referring to frontline issues.
For NQTs, not newly graduated, all of the above applies plus a chance to continue the fantastic work being done by NQTs all over the country, as demonstrated last year in protests, radio/tv programmes and at the INTO Annual Conference 2011 in Sligo.
Details are:

*NOTE: Both meetings take place between 4pm and 6pm
Wedsnesday 21st September: Teacher's Club Parnell Square, Dublin MAP (across from the Rotunda Hospital)
Thursday 22nd September: Silver Springs Hotel, Cork City MAP  (tagged with balloon 'A' on map)

This information and updates on issues can also be view on the INTO Website