We strongly recommend that NQT's and especially new graduates make every effort to attend the Information Meetings being organised by the INTO, for the beginning of the school year 2011/2012.
These meetings will give new graduates a chance to ask questions, have their queries answered, familiarise themselves with the INTO, and most importantly, provide a platform and introduction for future interests and involvement within the union and referring to frontline issues.
For NQTs, not newly graduated, all of the above applies plus a chance to continue the fantastic work being done by NQTs all over the country, as demonstrated last year in protests, radio/tv programmes and at the INTO Annual Conference 2011 in Sligo.
Details are:
*NOTE: Both meetings take place between 4pm and 6pm
Wedsnesday 21st September: Teacher's Club Parnell Square, Dublin MAP (across from the Rotunda Hospital)
Thursday 22nd September: Silver Springs Hotel, Cork City MAP (tagged with balloon 'A' on map)
This information and updates on issues can also be view on the INTO Website