Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No Clarity for those currently pursuing further qualifications

The DES (Department of Education and Skills) has released a circular (Circular 70/2011). This document refers to the paying of allowances for further qualifications to teachers. Further qualifications may included, masters, doctorate and postgraduate/ higher diploma studied.

The Department will be paying allowances to those who received a further study allowance on or before the 4th of December 2011, and will retain their current allowance.

New-entrants, or existing teachers who attain a further qualification will not be receiving any higher than the allowance afforded for the completion of an honours degree. Teachers who have not achieved an honours level degree, but may complete further studies in an education institution, will only be paid the honours degree level, in spite of their new qualification.

Those who are currently undertaking studies in the afore mentioned types of courses, have been left in limbo. These teachers are already committed to the course both professionally and financially, but are in the dark regarding payment of allowances.

In the circular the DES has said 'The position of teachers who, on 5 December 2011, were undertaking courses will be considered in the context of the public service-wide review of allowances announced in Budget 2012 which is to be led by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.'

Teacher's Unions, INTO, ASTI and TUI are currently negotiating with the DES to clarify the position of these teachers, and to ensure as much as possible the payment of allowances for course completions already committed to.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

INTO Employment Task Force

At Congress 2011, a serious emphasis on employment and protection of the qualified unemployed teacher was clear. On foot of this the INTO Employment Task Force was established. It has representatives from many areas of the Union, including Cathal McGarrigle and Orla Faulkner (Former Chair and Secretary of Dis.XIV NQT Sub-Committee respectively).

They along with support from other Task Force and Union Members have successfully completed and worked on many ahcievable projects in the last 8 monhs.

Some of the most significant are:
1. The reduction of Probation from 170 days to 100 days, two periods of 50 days
2. The issuing of an INTO Directive on Unqualified Personnel in Schools
3. The establishing of NQT Groups at branch and district level, a forum and supported channel for NQT and Non-Permanent concerns
4. The progression and development of SubSearch, and the negotiation of an online application procedure for primary school posts

The work of the Task Force has been extensive and has given emphasis to NQT's and Non-Permanent Teachers. This work must continue, and INTO District 14 NQT Sub-Committee is committed to working to cooperate and contribute to their consultation process and support.

Eolas December 2011
Task Force on Employment Interim Report

INTO Eolas December 2011: New Graduate Helping Points

In the December 2011 edition of INTO Eolas, a series of '5 things that will help new graduates' was compiled:
1. Principals should be mindful of the fact that new graduates should be accorded opportunities in mainstream class teaching, if at all possible, in order to allow them to complete their probation period.
2. Claims for payment for substitute work should be entered on the OLCS system as quickly as possible rather than causing unnecessary delays to teachers whose only source of income is substitute work.
3. New graduates should be facilitated, if at all possible, in getting at least one day's substitute service in order to ensure that they will qualify for current pension provision, rather than the revised career average system currently being proposed, and which is expected to come into force in early 2012
4. Teaching Principals should use their full allocation of the hard fought for administration days to maximise employment opportunities for substitute not in regualr work
5. Schools should utilise SubSearch or other such facilities to ensure that only qualified teachers are employed in primary schools for substitute work

These are 5 points on an extensive campaign by the INTO and members to support and promote NQT's in entering the profession. In addition to the above list, NQT's should become a member of the union, where they are protected and supported by members. it also provides an opportunity to access a network of supportive teachers and principals. Furthermore, and most importantly, being a member of the INTO and attending meetings is the ultimate forum for having questions answered, queries repsonded to and concerns voiced.

Get Eolas December 2011 here