Sunday, November 11, 2012

Let your TD know what you think!

Ahead of Budget 2013, NQTs can play an active role in lobbying of TD's.

Last year, with a campaing to protect DEIS (education is disadvantaged areas), INTO Members worked to get 6,000 people on the streets outside the Department of Education. However, this was also combined with an intense lobby of TDs. This lobby and pressure was clear in the result of the majority of the DEIS cuts being reveresed. It was even more clear from insights into the office of Ruairí Quinn and the Labour party.

Announcing the reversal of the cuts Min. Quinn, said that DEIS was reversed and he was wrong. In RTE's 'Inside the Department' fly on the wall documentary, it was clear that Labour backbencers feared that they would loose support. Min. Quinn also implied that those who make the most noise will be heard.

We should take this lesson and mobilise this tactic again. And as young voters we can have a big influence, as we will in the future be voting for the very same TDs as they seek a seat again.

Your local TD can be contacted easily. Google them and their contact details will appear on their website or their party's website.

It is worth having some constructive alternatives to austerity for your TD. The Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI) produced an alternative Budget Plan, Plan B (here), and some of the facts and points are very useful. Your local INTO Branch, or District Comm. members can help you access these further, or email us here at and we can help you out.

Let them know what you think, let them know you care, let them know they should care.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Update

Meeting ahead of Campaign

This Wednesday 7th of November there will be a meeting in the Teacher's Club @ 7pm, to organise and further the campaign started by a Protest Rally (below).

It is vital that as many NQTs turn up to this meeting. ALL TEACHERS are welcome to attend, and it is neither an NQT or Established Teacher specific gathering. The aim is to assess the campaign and rally to date, but more importantly, pave the manner in which we take the campaign further. A lobby of TDs will be initiated, therefore, regardless of where you are registered, you have a vote somewhere in this country, and your local TD needs to know that their actions in Budget 2013 will be remembered, and that your vote will be cast accordingly.
Hope to see you all there!

Protest Rally on Wednesday 24th of October

Student Teachers make their voices heard (Photo:
After engaging with colleges and staffs all over the Dublin Districts and further beyond, INTO,ASTI and TUI members brought 2,000 teachers to the gates of Dáil Éireann. The protest was in build up and anticipation of a 5th Austerity Budget to cross our doors.
Speakers ranged from an established teacher showing solidarity, to a student union representative speaking on behalf of our future colleagues. Leaders of the three Trade Unions, expressed strongly that NQTs and new entrants have borne their fair share of pain over the last 4 years.
The rally was very well attended by students teachers and NQTs. However, this was only the start of a Pre-Budget Campaign that every members of the INTO should have a say in, but also be a part of in as it takes place.

There is a 'Plan B'

The Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI), has published research that shows cutting our way out of this recession is not the only option. We could climb out of this hole without digging deeper into the fabric of society, cutting vital services in Education, Health, and Social Welfare. We can share the pain more equitably, rather than targeting those who have given more than their fair share already. We could raise taxes fairly, through income tax, as we tax at a lower rate than the EU average.
This would mean that everybody earning the same as you would pay the same amount, and those earning more would pay more if the tax system allowed for this to be so.
There is much detail in the report which can be viewed here, and is certainly worth scanning over.