INTO Dublin North City Branch, of District 14, is holding it's Staff Rep and New Member's evening this Monday 4th February at 5pm in the Teacher's Club Parnell Square.
This evening has been organised in Dublin North City Branch for many reasons. Among them is the desire to connect with, thank and engage personally with all Staff Reps from all schools in the Branch. Recent years have brought many challenges to the door of education and Primary School Teachers as a result of Government led austerity measures.
Teacher's Pay and Conditions, funding for Education and Supports and other issues have been attacked. The INTO has mounted campaigns against these attacks, and Staff Reps are the feet, hands and interaction catalysts for the union on the ground in each school. They relay messages, deal with queries and questions, rally people to attend meetings and marches and maintain a healthy heartbeat of trade unionism amongst their staff.
On the night we would like to thank them, help them where needs occur and connect and interact even more.
For NQTs and New Members, the evening provides an opportunity to meet other new members, meet other members from the branch, become familiar with the branches structure, the INTO and how it works and of course any other queries and questions will be answered.
The evening will begin at 5pm with tea/coffee and sandwiches, and at 5.30pm interaction regarding the branch and union will begin. This is not a meeting, but a gathering in order to strengthen further the connections with memebers and welcome new members into the branch.
We look forward to seeing you there on Monday!
(directions to the Teacher's Club, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, can be found here)